Focus On The Story

In a couple of weeks, I’ll once again be in Charlottesville, Virginia, at the University of Virginia speaking to a group of highly-motivated students who want to be doctors. What I’ll tell them will have very little to do with biology and science, although we will talk a bit about that. Mostly, I’ll be telling…

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I thought I was back, but apparently, I wasn’t. At the new year, after a fairly long break, I thought I’d return to somewhat regular blogging, but it hasn’t happened, and there must have been reasons for that. I’ve kept up my resolution, recording daily how I’m doing with eating, exercise, gratitude, generosity, compassion, and…

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Back In Balance

Last time, I wrote about how healing is unique and individual, and how therapies that purists may claim have no basis in science may nevertheless be effective in some people.  Since my last post, I have seen that thesis reinforced in spades, but I will save that story for another day. This morning, for the…

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