New Day, New Story

It has been a long break. I haven’t paid sufficient attention to my website in some time. As always, there’s a story. Just after my last book, Back Side Of A Hurricane, came out, I was diagnosed with a serious health problem that made marketing a book seem not so important. Not surprisingly, the book has not sold well, and over the ensuing months, I told myself that it just hadn’t gotten any attention. That was true, but not a complete story. The complete story is, I hadn’t paid attention to it. I parted ways with my publicist because I didn’t have the energy to work on advertising and marketing. I needed time for other things, and I took it. One of the things I needed to do was write, and I did. Now, I have a new novel that is being shopped to agents and publishers, and that’s where the story gets more interesting.

One of the publishers I’ve targeted expressed great interest in Hurricane, but unfortunately, by the time I heard from them, I had already moved forward with self-publishing. They were very kind, and asked me to consider them if I had anything else to send. Well, when I started sending out the new manuscript, as luck would have it, they were closed to submissions so they could catch up on a backlog of work. I kept watching their site, but after two months they were still closed, so I emailed them to ask when they expected to reopen. I mentioned that I had previously sent something to them, but did not identify the title, and they replied promptly, mentioned Hurricane, and asked me to please send the new manuscript!

As I was preparing the submission packet, I had to report sales of my previous books, and that’s when it hit me — I’d never given Hurricane it’s due. So now, it’s time.  I’ve got time while I wait for the publishers and agents to decide. It’s often six months or more, so I’m back to marketing.  It’s a new day for Back Side Of A Hurricane. It’s a good book, and I owe it some time.  If you haven’t read it, please get a copy. If you’ve read it, please ask a friend to buy a copy. By the time the new book comes out, I hope to have many more followers.  Thanks for your patience.  My health is excellent, and I’m back in the game.

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